Arménie – Turquie


Chacun a entendu parler du projet d’accord entre l’Arménie et la Turquie, deux peuples en conflit depuis le génocide de 1915. Voiçi ce qu’en pense Anahit, habitante d’Erevan la capitale Arménienne. Anahit était traductrice dans notre équipe de la fédération internationale de la Croix rouge envoyée là bas en 1989 suite au tremblement de terre de Spitak (

En anglais pas traduit. Ça vous fera revisiter à la fois votre géopolitique et la langue de Shakespeare.

En cas de blocage :


Hello Olivier,

I hope things are going fine with you. Here in Yerevan we are having a wonderful fall which is much enjoyable. Lots of things happening, Armenia-Turkey relations being the top important one.

What do I think? – I don’t question the importance of establishing relations with Turkey. As everything on this earth – it too does have many sides, positive and negative. What I can say is that Turkey is not just a neighboring country, people are still sensitive about the past, a significant portion feels strongly about the past, so no matter how progressivley thinking the country administration is, a big number of population should not be ignored.

If I were the decision maker, I would start dicussions with different layers and groups of the society way before the initial signing. What happened is that the initial papers were signed, the protocols were going to be signed, and only then the president started explaining that it is important for us to sign the protocols. The current president does not have full support of people after a much disputable election, that’s #1.

#2 We still have the Karabakh conflict unsettled, the negotiations are tense because once a peace of land becomes a part of another country it is a precedence and many other countries can start similar conflicts. Turkey is the biggest ally for Azerbaijan in this conflict so people logically think that there are other issues involved here which the society is not aware of.

#3, There is still « competition » between US and Russia who will have the control over Caucasus – if US then they win, since they have Georgia under their influence already, so Russia is « fighting » hard. As you can see, there is so much politics going on that nobody cares for peoples feelings about the past. I personally think that if there was more information on « how » and « why », things could be better. Also, Armenia relies a lot on the Diaspora’s support and money, and after the signing of the protocols we made them angry. Of course, the protocols have no legal power yet and it may take more time and effort to have the parliaments of both countries to approve them, but it can be a similar scenario for that just like the protocol signing, all of a sudden you wake up one day and learn that the protocols are approved, so we’ll see.

I don’t know if this is useful to you. If you ever decide to come to Yerevan, you know you can rely on me

Have a nice day

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