Le hasard faisant bien les choses, j’apprend hier que nous allons bientôt recevoir dans notre gite de sympathiques Danois, descendant de Huguenots de Mens. Ils viennent visiter le pays de leurs ancêtres.
J’en profite pour lui demander s’il a entendu parler du « syndrome infrasons » au Danemark et de l’arrêt du développement de nouveaux projets éoliens pour cette raison.
La suite de l’échange en Anglais :
« Hello Benny
A more serious question : there is a project to create a small wind farm (7 to 10 wind turbines) in our region. I am involved in a committe in charge of this question.
I know that Danmark is the world champion for this energy.
There is rumor that the wind turbin developpement has been stopped in your country because of the fear of infrason.
Are you aware about that ? Is it real or fake ?
Best regards »
« Hi Olivier
That is a rumor I never heard of. However, it has always been discussed whether wind mills a good for the health condition or not. Anything concrete in disfavor of windmills has been unveiled. There are more feelings involved that specific science. In Denmark there are rules for emitting low frequency noise from wind mills, which is the issue when talking about « ultrasound ». The limit is max. 20db.
No stopping of developments.
For you it could be interesting to visits the homepage of Vestas. Www.vestas.com One of the major players in the world, when discussing larger wind mills. Danish company. Their shares are public shares and very sensitive to rumors etc. Check their market value – you can follow the development of the share. That will give you an impression of their potential and sensitivity.
I myself is a shareholder in this company. Bought my shares 4 years ago. Value increased by a factor of 16,7
Have a nice weekend.
Best Regards
That is a rumor I never heard of. However, it has always been discussed whether wind mills a good for the health condition or not. Anything concrete in disfavor of windmills has been unveiled. There are more feelings involved that specific science. In Denmark there are rules for emitting low frequency noise from wind mills, which is the issue when talking about « ultrasound ». The limit is max. 20db.
No stopping of developments.
For you it could be interesting to visits the homepage of Vestas. Www.vestas.com One of the major players in the world, when discussing larger wind mills. Danish company. Their shares are public shares and very sensitive to rumors etc. Check their market value – you can follow the development of the share. That will give you an impression of their potential and sensitivity.
I myself is a shareholder in this company. Bought my shares 4 years ago. Value increased by a factor of 16,7
Have a nice weekend.
Best Regards
Benny »
Un petit coup de Google traduction permettra de capter l’essentiel de l’échange pour ceux qui ne maitrise pas la langue de Shakespeare. Ca se passe de commentaires…
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